post kali nie bout home made ice cream...nk dijadikan cite coz of k.ngah now ngah menjalani praktikal sbg suri rmh tgga so mmg sgt excited bile tgk resepi2 dlm buku masakan..rse nk try sume...b4 nie k.ngah ske wat cake...ske bg org mkn..rse happy sgt..agaknye mcm nie la perasaan mak2 kite bile tgk ank dia mkn ape yg die msk kn...=)...firstly, k.ngah nk try wat kek tnye laa mak ade x bhn2 nye...check2 kt dapur,tgk telur plak xde...hmm xjadilaa nmpknye nk wat kek...hmm...dh la time tu ngah borink disebabkan borink k.ngah tgk2 r resepi lain yg bleh di try at dat time....n at da same time nye jgk otak cm trbyg2 mc flurry yg k.ngah mkn yummy to my tummy...hehe asyik nk mkn ice cream jer..mgkin cuaca pns k.ngah pon cri laa resepi ice pnye search skali jmpe resepi ice cream yg mudah...kbykan chef yg pro wat ice cream gne ade satu cream nie (*xingt nme die) lil bit leceh laa nk cri cream tu n satu hal plak nk g bli resepi nie sng kowt...hehe tu yg xmenyempat nk try....hahaha
mst u ollz heran kan y i wat ice cream coffee..npe xwat ice cream vanilla ker...jgung ker..choc ker..haa nk tau sbb ape...sbb bhn nk wat ice cream tu xde..dia soh pkai coz of xde stock coffemate kt rmh k.ngah gne r 3 in 1 nescafe high calcium haha...coz nescafe high calcium rse cm susu..lgpon aritu mak slh bli...ayh ske nescafe ape lg dr xde sape minum baik i fully utilize kn nescafe tu see the making of home made ice cream by chef zana..ahakz~
Mixerkan kesemua bahan2 membuat ice cream
First dia akn jd cmnie...xsmooth lg..=)
Mixer again..
nie yg second after dibekukan..atas nmpk smooth tp bwh mcm keras ckit...hihi so kne blend lg
nie yg third..bru sekata dienye smooth tu =) kn k.ngah ingt bgun pg2 excited laa nk amik pic my ice cream,rupe2 my mum dh rsmikan dulu..hehe xsbr ye mak..hikhikhik...
taddaaaa nie lah ice cream nye...nyum2...
my own recipes..i ske cmpur ice cream dgn susu low fat..haha
ALHAMDULILLAH...first time try wat ice cream menjadi...hehe pasnie nk cube resepi2 yg lain plak..tungguuuuuu~
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trkasar bhs
ReplyDeletehahaha lazat ker??thanx blum rse dh tau lazat hihi..btw mmg lazat tau hehehe