wHiCh OnE's?

Hehe actually sejak 2 menjak Thomas Cup 2010 sudah bersiaran dikaca televisyen pd wktu petang cmtu maka dgn rasminyer tercetus perang m'control remote antara k.ngah n my dad...hehe...bkn pe geram ok coz sudah sekian lamanye k.ngah m'conquer TV every mon-thurs on 6.30pm-7.30pm tok tgk ADAMAYA tetibe bila Thomas Cup da start my dad plak mau conquer tv huhu...k.ngah rse mcm xlengkap rutin harian k.ngah if xtgk ADAMAYA hehe...lgpun mggu nie cte ADAMAYA last episode so wajibla tgkkan coz nk tau ending of story...
So,smlm time syok2 tgk cte tu dgn slumbernyer my dad tkr channel..(*mau tgk thomas cup la tu) huhu...pe lg i merayu laa n give reasons baekk pnyer..siap ckp thomas cup ade ulangan hahaha (*adeke??...keke)...my dad pon bising2 la ckp...
"alaa wat pe tgk citer cmnie..mst da dpt agak dh ending citer nie cmne"
waa...xkire...mmg dh tau pon sure la happy ending kan tp nk tgk gak haha nk2 lg xleh miss amani pnye scenes..smlm amani bce doa...soooo cute =)
even cte adamaya leh download n tgk ble2 free, tp seriously mmg xleh miss lgsung...nsb baik k.ngah ade supporter...yeayy...thanx mom 4 ur support hehe...jgn xtau my mom pon da mula mnt adamaya...n my mom pon xleh miss tgk amani...ble i search video scene amani mst my mom nk tgk skali n siap soh repeat lak tu hahaha...
so dad..2 vs 1 sure laa yg 2 yg nk tgk ADAMAYA tu mng kn...haha so dad pliz do not change da channel k..if team MALAYSIA pnye game bru leh consider kot...haha kot ye xsure lg...thanx dad 4 ur cooperate...lurve you...hehe
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trksr bhsa
Live streaming online available at www.totalsports.tv for the Thomas Cup and Uber Cup coverage! :-)
ReplyDeletethanx gallivanter 4 da info...sure my dad happy hehe =)