i lurve shoes haha biase r org pompuan mmg ske giler shopping kasut nieh..but i mmg minat giler dgn shoes yg style mcm pic kt atas wedges....arghh nk kasut baru..dear help me hahaha
*ToUcH oN BLuSh*
*GLiTtEr LiQuId eYeLiNeR*
*FoReVeR DuO LiP*
ahhaa citer bout makeup...actually i xske makeup...nk2 lagi makeup yg letopz2 gitu haha..coz time nk solat susah..sgt2 leceh nk clearkn makeup b4 nk solat n after solat kne touch up balik (nie situation if hang'out ye)
k.ngah ske yg simple2 + natural..
so k.ngah mmg r teramat ske elianto pnye product..nk2 lagi dia nye touch on blush..very quick n easy..product elianto nie from KOREA tau(haha no wonder laa i ske diz product coz i kan KOREAN FAN)...tapi perasan x siti nye product "blusher simplysiti", dia pon wat style touch on mcm elianto...siti nye product pon from Korea siti pnye mahal haha..i think blusher from Korea mmg style touch on kot =)
*LiPiCe ShEEr CoLoUr*
Haa yg ni mmg benda wajib yg perlu ade dlm beg i if g mne2...i dh pkai lipice nie since skolah lg..mmg terbaekk..nk tau nape n cmne i leh terjebak pkai lipice nih hehe..dipendekkan cite 1 of my teacher slalu tegur me "syazana knp muke awk nmpk pucat"(xnk jadi mcm mek yg slalu nmpk pucat hehe..jgn mrh mek)...muke k.ngah mmg nmpk pucat bile time pns n sejuk coz bibir akn jd kering dr situ r k.ngah start pkai lipice..pkai lipice pon dh ckp xyah pkai lipstick pon xpe hehe...simple kn~
* haa apekah?? hehe baby wipes laa*
baby wipes pon bnde wajib yg kne ade dlm beg i if i g k.ngah ske guardian nye brand..alaa yg wane pink tu..coz dia xde alcohol..xde r pic die..juz ade pic ni je..jadila kannn wipes nieh byk gunanye tau..dulu time blaja kt Arau..Kolej k.ngah slalu xde air huhu...mmg tgh2 mlm bute tadah air tok mandi esk ble nk mandi kne jimat2 air..tok kes2 yg lbh pntg haha..n time xde air xleh gune sabun byk2 nnt xckup air nk time nilaa baby wipes sgt brguna hahaha ble dh kne jimat air,sabun pon ckit2 je..then k.ngah akan gne kn baby wipes tok bersihkan diri..coz rse xcomfortable kne mndi ckit2 k.ngah gune laa baby wipes hehe bau pon wangi..ske,bile study kt Segamat plak dlm rmh sgt pns ok..smpai k.ngah dpt ruam2 coz cuaca yg utk meredakan ketidakselesaan kulit, k.ngah ske lap bdn k.ngah dgn baby wipes n sapu aloe verra gel tok bg sejuk ckit my skin hehe..Lastly, yg nie jgn tiru ye kwn2 haha bkn pe k.ngah sgt mls nk g cuci tgn if tgn i xberapa kotor after take a meal so i gne baby wipes je haha emm wangiiii hihi..lgpon if u g shopping mall skang kbykan toilet xde paip air kn..if k.ngah,mmg akn cri toilet yg comfortable, tp if bwk cousins tgk dorg slalu xmyempat nk membuang so i bg la wipes tu if toilet yg dorg msuk tu xbez hehe..haa bykkan pasnie bli r baby wipes ye u ollz...=)
*Kao Attack*
haa jgn xtau..k.ngah pon ade my own fav detergent tau kt rmh..actually my mom ske dinamo..but coz of me mmg ske bsuh bju sendiri..xske cmpur dgn org lain nk2 lg dgn my dad n lil bro yg active sport tu kan hmm phm2 jela cmne lenjun bju dorg ble blik dr sport..hehe lgpon dpt meringankan kerja my mom coz bsuh bju sendiri ye bile g supermarket sure bli dua sabun..satu kao attack n satu dinamo..haha..k.ngah sgt ske kao attack ni first dia wangi (hmm i mmg ske bau wangi2 ye hehe dr td asyik cite wangi je haha)..2nd dia siap dgn softener so xyah susah2 ble time rinse kne mskkan softener plak...3rd plg disukai ialah bile bsh bju gne kao attack segala jenis bentuk bau-bauan yg tdk enak or asap ke xkn melekat kt bju yg tlh dibasuh....serious giler coz dulu time kt rmh sewa tmpat sidai bju kt area housemate rajin msk..sure la kn asap tu terkena kt bju yg tgh jemur tu...satu hari tu blik dr class housemate soh check either bju k.ngah bau x ikan masin...coz cian kt housemate kne bsuh blik bju dia coz bau asap goreng ikan masin sgt ble k.ngah bau xde pon bau ikan masin...bau wangi adelaa xyah ssh2 nk bsh byk kali if bju trkena asap ke hape..ko nk goreng belacan ke,budu ke,tempoyak ke bju i still wangi haha i likeee~
* Quarter Pounder*
* sundae & mc flurry*
ahhaa i noe fast food adelah menggemukkan ok but i xslalu mkn pon...if rse nk mkn i mkn haha so dun worry i bkn org putih hari2 mkn fast food hehe
actually i ske McD..coz variety of if nk mkn aym better g KFC..i means if kite xnk mkn burger..kite leh mkn bubur McD..if xnk mkn mkanan heavy..kite leh mkn pie McD..sundae flurry ker..haa variety kn mknan yg ade kt McD...selain tu blh WiFi haha Free jer hihi...dulu time kecik2 arwah atuk ske bwk cucu2 nye g McD....n my aunty pon ske bwk ank2 buah dia g McD...dulu asal g McD jer i mst mntk bile dh bsr nie n wujudnye mc flurry so k.ngah terminatlah plak kt mc flurry nie..nk2 lg mc flurry oreo nyum2 (^_~)/*
so dibawah adelah pic2 utk menikmati mc flurry oreo dgn btul ye hehe

i'm lovin' it

emmmmm....sedappppp =)
hahaha cukuplaa dulu 10 of ma favaouritez...nnt k.ngah update lg ye bnde2 yg k.ngah ske..hehe...see yaa~
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trksr bhsa
mc d = mc doz....dat y u suke kn...hahaha i like~
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hahaha mc d = mc dear...hehehe mmg cntik tggu s.o.g bli kan =)