Aritu i ade hutang dgn u ollz kan pic yg i ngedate dgn ma sis ala2 candle light dinner tu...ingat x???
ingat kann hehe meh2 kte cuci2 mata tgk pic erk ;pppp

*taddaaa...lampu kalimantang dinner ;ppp

* dinner org bujang haha

* cawan & pinggan mahal haha tau kat mak hbs kne mrh hehe sowie mommy ;pppp

* ma workz...lil' bit spicy but perfect haha boley kawen yeayyy ;ppp
encik boyfie favv

*adegan xsabar...tgk plastik ice cream pon dah tau ngee ;DDD
wokey langsai hutang dgn u ollz now time to story hehe...
fyi, aritu i dok sbn smpai hari memandangkn esoknye tu my dad mao pulang sudaa ke KJ so wajiblah kn mgedote dulu dgn mr.boyfie haha
bkn pe disebabkan end of diz month i dh start focusing on my *a way of making a living* so wajibla enjoy puas2 dulu coz if i'll start moved my step to walkin' in jungle sure my life da xsebesh mcm skang huhu...
so ptg tu mr.boyfie jmput me kt rmh...time tu xtau nk g mne, sbb tnye mr.boyfie..he said secret..hehe oklaa ikot jela tuan driver nk g mne pon..jnji jgn bwk i lari g nikah sudeyyy haha xbersedia youuuuu ;pppp
tp disebabkan i keep askin' mr.boyfie bout our destination, finally mr.boyfie surrender, die planned nk g tgk laut ropenye hehe ya i love mmg paham sgt yg i ske tgk laut tp memandangkan time tu xsesuai ke laut so i cdgkan juz g JJ jer hehe...
bley mkn2 + chitchat + tgk org lalu lalang + bley window shopping + etc
(* bley spend mse lme ckit hehe)
so smpai JJ tros serang McD haha coz mr.boyfie lapo xlunch lgi isk3 ciannn...we ollz byk hbskan mse dgn sharing story + chitchat + gelak2 ...for me communication is important...n mmg lumrah alam yg gurlz ske sharing n luah perasaan kt guys...dh nme pon "SHARING IS CARING, CARING IS LOVING" kannnn ;ppp
pastu after mr.boyfie solat maghrib, we ollz g bookstore (MPH n Popular)...hmm xtvt nieh pon favv we ollz gak..rsenye since meet him time date sure akn msk bookstore haha bguskann xdela melepak xtentu arah...shuke sgt2 coz ade partner yg minat gak membaca...bley memupuk genetik we ollz supaya minat membaca gak hahaha (cik shelovepink sudaaa start berangan)
eh tu adalah satu harapan n doa tau..hope termakbul hendaknye...amin~
Pas dh belek2 buku we ollz dok jap kt bgku2 kosong tu...n it's time to snap pic hehe...moment dolu2 menjelma kmbali hehe...dulu 1st time meet we ollz ade amek pic kt ctu now nk repeat again,

* Buntal Faces
A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad. ~Arnold H. Glasgow

* Wink2 ~,^
A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. ~Donna Roberts

* Paksa mr.boyfie tenyum joker hikhikhik
Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you. ~Author Unknown

* sape lgi macho??
A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ~Attributed to Heather Pryor

* eleh dear u bajet ganas la tue..xtakot haha
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

* Gedix Faces... papepon 1 Malaysia hehe
If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me. ~Author Unknown
byk lgi kowt pic...pic oink2 pon ade tp malu nk letak haha...pic2 we ollz yg normal + shomel + cute xleh jd tontonan umum hihi...skali skala letak r pic xnormal plak haha...
i like snap pic like xnormal nieh hehe sebab...sebab...nmpk we ollz mcm besties kann hehe...
yup mr.boyfie is my besties, my BFF n kwn me time susah n sng...
my r/ship xubah mcm besties...rse lebih selesa if cmtu...sebab org kte klo kte nieh berkawan dgn niat utk brtggungjawab INSYAALLAH akan berkekalan tp if r/ship hnye smata2 krn nafsu, perasaan, harta, paras rupa hmmm Lu pk la sendiri ye hehe
p/s: Boyfie + Besties = Besh hahaha
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trksr bhs
for ur info i like spageti 2...
ReplyDeletet nak rase spageti yg awak masak bleh?
2 gmbr bf awak kn?sweet couple la u'oll...
hahaha boleh dtg la rmh hihi Insyaallah ade rezeki sye masakkan ye...
ReplyDeletehihi tu besties sye...kawan time sye susah n senang...npe?awk nk kenal ke dgn die hahaha
thanx hehe *blushing*
umah awak kt maner?t saye dtg ape plak kate parent n bf u t lak...
ReplyDeletebgus la susah nk cri kwn yg ade time susah n senang...
saye xnk kenal ngan die saye nk kenal ngan awak...
umah sye kt bwh langit atas bumi hahaha tp still floating di awang2an...hehehe..
ReplyDeleteyup dat correct...susah sng kne brsme2...
awk tnye lah mr.boyfie dulu...dia memberi keizinan x hahaha