* LoVe NeVeR EnDiNg*
--> He noe ma fav colour hihi ^,~

* Actually both of us lurve kitty cats*

* BoTH oF uS diSLiKe FrUiTz HuHu*
--> Lately i craving wif strawberry nyum2 ^,^

* He's VeRy AnXiOuS wHeN LoOk Me CriEs*
--> BuT He DiDn'T kNow tO PeRsUaDeD mE HeHe ;p
..::We FiGhT, wE sHaRe EvErYtHiNg, We LaUgH ToGeThEr::..
*thanx incik zack!!
p/s: luv u dido...hehe
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trksr bhs
lawanyer cmner awak buat ek?saye suke
ReplyDeleteawk shuke??shaye lagilahhh shuke hehe...lukisan tu incik zack yg lukis..shaye shuke lukisan dia....simple n cute...n ape yg die luahkan melalui lukisan die slalunye coincidence dgn ma life hihi...
ReplyDeleteklo saye suke awak cmner?
ReplyDeletei juz boleh appreciate jer coz i'm juz ordinary gurl...