Salam...Monink ollz...
wahh semangat gilerr bgun pgi2 sbb nk hapdet blog hehe
xkiralah dpt tdo beberapa jam jer tp semangat mesti ada if x dh lme i tarik selimut n continue tdo :p
wokey let's continue our story about Jom Heboh, Bukit Jalil on 11/12/2010..
memandangkan ari2 g keje turun bkt jalil so mmg ari2 gak la nmpk persiapan dorg utk Jom Heboh weekend tu...mula2 feel xexcited nk g sbb dh pnh g dulo2 n i bajet Jom Heboh tu so-so jer...n terbyg2 sure panas terik, pastu kne redah lautan manusia n apa yg ade cume produk2 makanan/minuman yg dijual dgn hrga xde r murah sgt...
Balik dr keje n smpai rmh tetibe my housemate excited ajak me g JH...time tu mmg fikir mampu ker nk berjln2 tgh pns terik tu n mst kne redah n berhimpit2 dgn manusia2 sekalian huhu setelah memikirkan seketika n keputusan telah dibuat maka i bersetuju follow my housemate weeee sbb i pk biler lgi nk berjln2 dgn housemate n borink kowt if weekend dok terperap kt rmh hehehe
B4 g tu i check my FB jap...n terbce status from mia sara official page,
"adik mia akan berada di JH Bkt Jalil utk menemui peminat2"
wahhh time tu bru rse excited yg teramat sgt sbb dh lme nk jmpe mia face to face hehe
n biasa la nk dipikir2kan dpt ker nk jmpa mia tu...mcm mustahilkan sbb sure die dikawal rapi hehe tp tu xjd halangan sbb mmg dh setting niat (ish2 melampau u nie cik shelovepink hehe) n minda oso "Hari nie mesti jmpa mia jgk"...
we ollz pegi bertiga,abby n syida...we ollz gerak dr rmh kul 3pm...n syukur sgt2 cuaca pd hari tu mendung...xpns n xplak mcm nk hujan...kire cejuk la ckit nk berjln2 tu hehe lgipon org xbrapa nk rmai sgt time ptg2 cmnie...may b org rmai time pgi2 kowt dlm LRT sgt full dgn manusia2 yg nk ke JH k...smpai2 jer i trus ajak kwn2 g Booth MyTV3 Kids...sbb nk tgk mne tau ade mia ker hehe...dorg pon follow jer kerenah i sbb dorg tau i mmg adore n craving wif mia bdk chumel hehe bkn they ollz jer malah parents i pon dh faham sgt tntg kegilaan i nieh hehe
time i jenguk2 tu xnmpk plak kelibat hati kuat mgatakan,
"Jap lg dia ade kowt"
so b4 nk tggu mia muncul ktaorg g booth mamee dulu...ktaorg dh plan nk bli apa kt JH..semestinya org bujang HARUSSS cari megi kan hehe so we ollz g serbu booth mamee nk bli mamee usual dorg akn jual produk dorg dgn hrga seploh rggt...dlm beg tu mcm2 la luckily time tu ade aril af tgh promote brg lgi grab a chance to snap pic wif him weee~

*brpeluh2 aril tim promote produk mamee

*me wif aril hehehe
oppsss sowie erk mr.boyfiey hahaha (mr.boyfiey xbrape berkenan dgn mamat nieh hee)
aril bknla ma fav artist time die dlm af dulu...n dulu die pon mcm ala2 bajet comel jer kn dgn cik teddy die tu so kureng ckit la dgn aril nieh tp time kt JH tu i think aril nie mesra dgn peminat...kira okla die layan peminat2 die...xkerek ke"bajet"an i yg mgatakan dia bakal poyos adelaa salah same skali...knp?sbb time dia promote mamee aritu me org 1st dpt sign dier n org 1st dia pggl kt pentas utk snap pic wif him hihihi thnx aril~
so next destination is booth mr.potato...nieh pon dh plan nk bli hehe mmg dh bajet nk bli mamee n mr.potato jer sbb dpt beg die yg beso lgi lain drpd yg lain hehe bley r wat beg blik kg :p
lps dh memborong mknn2 tu i ajak they ollz g blik kt booth mytv3 kids tu sbb i think mgkin mia ade...n mmg aritu ari bertuah i kowt..i nmpk mia n beberapa dak2 kecik yg lain tgh nk potong kek...time tu rse cm crazy jap kot...mmg xpndg org kiri knn trus i menyelit2 dpt tmpt btul2 dpn mia...tersgt besh perasaan time tu...i me pon xdpt bygkan cmne i dpt menyelit2 ditgh2 org rmai tu hehe n luckily jgk housemate i pon dpt sme membontoti i utk brjmpe mia hehe...mia sgt comel..dia mcm bdk2 yg lain jgk..time tu muke di so sweet time die mntk kek...n org tv3 tu potong kek kecik gilerr kowt, beso kotak mancis jer tp mia senyum jer bile dh dpt kek tu...time tu papa die dh tarik die tok msk dlm privacy room tp i yg excited nieh trus naik ats pentas ckp dgn papa mia,
"encik bley x saya nk amik pic dgn mia"
so after papa mia kte bley n bg green lite trus i pegang mia sndr kan die kt dinding n snap her cutest face hehe yg pic 2nd i soh papa mia tlg amek kan...agak shaky ckit tp xpela asalkan ade pic wif mia hehe tp mmg slumber jer kan i nieh siap mntk tlg papa mia amekkan lgi hohohoho tu nmenye crazy wif mia dh xpedulik apa dh yg pntg Mia DiHatiku wink2~ so enjoy diz pic...jgn jelesss u ollz hahaha

*mia very nice gurl time nieh die follow jer papa die said, "mia smile"..mmuahhkss love u mia

*me wif mia..oloh2 chumel nye..mia lurve u!!
after dpt peluk cium mia maka ktaorg gerak ke pintu gerbang Jom Heboh...sesajer nk snap pic kt ctu wif housemate...meh tgk pic k-->

*abby n syida

*pose dgn hasil borongan msg2 hehe

*tgk bpe byk ktaorg borong weee

*me wif abby ^,~
ok time jln2 tu ktaorg ad nmpk peserta idola kecil 3...alaaa yg kat tv9 tu...we ollz mmg follow ID nieh sbb tv9 jer yg clear kt rmh tu hehe lgi pon bdk2 nieh pnye sore sgt mantoppp!!
so tgk dorg brlari2 g satu booth nie...ktaorg yg ala mamarazzi nieh follow r dak2 ID nieh...n keajaiban skali lgi i dpt menyelit di celah2 org rmai n berjaya dpt tmpt btul2 dpn stage hehe...cik syida lgi r brtmbh2 ske sbb die mmg minat ID nieh...haa sape kte org berbdn chubby mcm i xbley menyelit...hihi rse klakor pon ade...sure mst ade org skt ati kan ble i dok dpn i pndai purak2 amek ati dorg blik...i ckp dgn kwn me,
"eh syida cnie ckit kesian pakcik tu xnmpk"
hehe sbb time tu i perasan pakcik tu wat muke ketat dgn we ollz...pstu i kaber lgi...
"pkcik nmpk x??pkcik nk dok dpn ker??"
pkcik tu geleng2 kata xpe...sooo ktaorg bertiga conquer la tmpt dpn stage tu hehe
bdk berdua nie amat bangga dpt kwn mcm i sbb mempunyai kepakaran menyelit2 hehe
tp i tgk keadaan gak if mcm tmpt mmg kne beratur i xske nk menyelit sbb i xske org potong trip so xkn i plak nk wat cmtu..btol x hehe i cume brperangai mcm tu ble i excited...cntohnye dpt jmpe perdana menteri ker, super junior ker dan swaktu dgnnye...xkan kte nk lepaskan peluang btol x hehe... pas bdk2 ID perform muncul plak ikram dinzly n fauziah gous tok promote cte ternyata disitu ikram tersgt poyos n kerek...sbb pe??sbb malas nk rata2 xske r dgn cre die...sorry ikram....xlme pon ktaorg tgk ikram tu mcm bosann jer dgr die ckp "ala2 ayoub" so ktaorg g la merayau2 kt booth2 lain...jmpa plak dgn tam yg kecil molek tu...alaa yg berlakon dlm cerita cili padi tu...amek pic dgn die jap then jln2 lgi jmpe intan ladyana...stop lgi sbb kengkawan mao amek pic bersme cik intan hihi...last destination is tgk tomok, akim af n sofaz perform kt pentas hotlink...agak2 dh rse puas tgk dorg nyanyi ktaorg pon nk gerak dh nk blik rmh...b4 tu i sempat borong sata tok dimkn wktu dinner b4 i nd diz entry meh kte same2 layannn pic k,

*para peserta idola kecil...adore kt hadi...sooo tiuttt hehe

*Idola kecil 3

*u r rox dik nonn

*balqis..dak nie sweet!!

*ayoub n gf nye hehe

*alahai comelnye tam hehe

*abby n tam

*me wif intan ladyana...sis u look like abby ckp we ollz mcm adik bradik weee~

*syida wif sis intan

*the end of Jln2 Jom HeBoh...SOFAZ,AKIM & TOMOK
p/s: ok done utk JoM Heboh pnye entry...nie entry plg me rse nk screamin' kuat2 sbb td trlggr wyr lappy soo my lappy otomatik turn off...skit hati ok seb bek da autosaved if xmenangis i huhu
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trksr bhs
suke dak2 kecik da elok sgt la 2 kawen...hee
ReplyDeleteklo dh berkemampuan dh lme dh kte kawen hehe tp xpe nk slow & steady dulu...nk bg mak & ayah hepi dulu =)
ReplyDeleteowh bgus la cm2...klo ade jodoh xkemane kn...