haha wifey KAKA back =p
haha 4 ur info 1st game Brazil is on 16 June 2010 @ 2.30am (M'sia time)
b4 tu ade game Portugal vs Ivory Cost...tgk mcm borink je so i msk bilik mau simpan energy (*tido r pe lagi hehe) untuk wake up 4 support my dear KAKA...
Semangat giler ok maklum r team fav n 1st game dorg plak tu so wajib la kne support (*lagipon i kan wifey KAKA haha)
tepat kul 2.30am i bangun trus g dpn tv time tu dorg da start game 1 minit dah..
my eyes juz focus to jersey NO.10 hehe my dear KAKA...
first game Brazil vs North Korea
kesian kat my dear KAKA coz sebabkan dia very good player so rmai giler yg control dia huhu (*player Korea lgsg xbg chance kt my dear KAKA nie)
ada tu pemain Korea wat my dear KAKA tergolek hehe tp my dear KAKA still leh senyum lagi...
auuwww sooooooooo cuteeeee ok,
cmnie die senyum

*it's ok...it's ok...hehe small matter..baikkan my dear KAKA nie hehe
so disebabkan KAKA tergolek Brazil dapat Free Kicks..tapi malangnye bola berjaya diselamatkan oleh defender North Korea..
malas cite banyak..Brazil pon dah score 2 North Korea 1 (*tu pon dh nk last2 hehe)
so u ollz juz saksikan la pics nie key...
Thanx to MAICON 4 da 1st goal *wink2*
Thanx to ELANO 4 de 2nd goal *wink2*
Hehe dua2 goal sgt chanteeekkkkkk =p
hehe suker gilerr menjerit2 sorg2 time tgk game nieh...
sowie ye jiran tetangga i xleh control
tapi i dengo gak ade jer org terjerit2 coz happy
haha thanx support BRAZIL lalalala~
can't wait to see my dear KAKA 4 de next game
hope BRAZIL score byk2 lagi ye hehe...

*thanx dear coz lurve me ahakz lalalala~
*mntk ampun n maaf if k.ngah trksr bhs
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